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Welcome to Vancouver Island University!

Future students who do not have a VIU student number can create an account here to make an appointment with an Advisor.


Create an Account

User Information

If you have a VIU student ID, do not create an account.

Users that have a VIU student ID must login using their VIU student single sign-on credentials or, if you do not have your single sign-on credentials, go to: Returning or New Student Login and use your VIU student ID to login.

If you do not have a VIU student ID number, create a unique user ID.



Please enter the name that you prefer to be called by.  If you preferred name is the same as your legal first name, simply enter your first name in this field.

Do you identify as:

Are you an international student?*

Please let us know what program you are planning on studying.

Questions regarding the registration process may be emailed to